Hi, I am Mary!

Welcome to my personal blog where I share knoweldge and experiences from various sides of my life - business and travel.

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The importance of hiring the right people

Choosing the right people to be part of your team, is vital for success. Not only for your department but also for the company. It can save time and cost, while it can contribute to the company’s overall performance. To hire a high performer, both the HR and the team leader play a key role. […]

15 interview questions

Technical Skills and Experience Specific Skill-Based Questions: Can you describe your experience with [specific software/tool/technology]?Problem-Solving: How would you approach [a hypothetical technical challenge]?Adaptability: How have you adapted to changes in technology or industry standards? Soft Skills and Cultural Fit Teamwork: Tell me about a time you had to work collaboratively with a difficult team member.Communication: […]

Develop a successful marketing strategy

Your first step to a successful marketing strategy is to already have a business strategy in place. Marketing is all about supporting the business goals thus without the latter, everything you do will just be isolated actions with limited long-term impact. Examples of business goals might be: Use the SMART method to develop your goals […]

Turn your employees into salespeople

Employees are the face of the company in the outside world and what they communicate to their surroundings about their employer and its products has an important role to play in business’s reputation. From the opinions they express about their company’s services to how happy they are at work, employees can have a strong impact […]

Is cross-selling part of your marketing & sales strategy?

Cross–selling is the method of promoting additional products/services to customers in order to achieve increased profits. Cross-selling techniques include product recommendations, offers and special discounts on related products. Let’s take a look at some examples: A woman is interested in buying a dress and the salesperson is also suggesting her to buy a pair of […]

2020 Year Review – It’s a wrap!

What a year 2020 has been.. No one can doubt that! I am sure most of you are very excited to see this year going with the hope that 2021 will be a happier and healthier new year to come! What about the good things we have experienced this year? Let’s have a quick look […]

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